Sunday, August 9, 2015

I have NO dada

Jarrett says plenty that makes us chuckle. I've definitely had my share of belly laughs with that kid around. Sissy is just learning to string words together into phrases so that's just adorable in itself. She's trying. Back to what prompted this post- my Dad reminded me the other night that I should be documenting the funnies. I'm going to share a few of my fave kid quotes before I'm too old and senile to recall them.  These will likely all fall under "you just had to be there..."
We'll start with some J-isms:
Water-fawdal - the water that comes out of any faucet
"Mommy, wet's go" - said to me one night when I was taking too long in Target and the first of many toddler commands
"I MEED it"- what he thinks to be magical words if we say no
"Baaaa baaa black sheep- have you any NO?"
-Herrod said "NO BABY BOYS!" (First time we realized he's really listening in Sunday School)
Why did he say that buddy? "He was grouchy.."  Deep- I'm sure Herrod was always a little grouchy?
-J: "mommy, you have something for me?" "What do you need buddy?" "Well, what do you have?"
And when he woke up in the middle of the night gagging and we ran in w/ a bowl, swiftly catching his upchucked dinner. He promptly waves his arms Around and yells "I did it!!! I did it!" I said "here lets make sure it's all out..." Holding the bowl out again that he pushes away and says "no! No, fank you!" (Manners matter!)
- I was in the bathroom and heard under the door "do you wanna build a snooowmaaaaannn?"
Then as we were going to the drive thru as Zaxbys for our typical Wednedsay night ritual he realizes that when Daddy took the car seats out that he'd put his back on the passenger side, which meant he couldn't chat w/ the window guys. Sissy was chatting it up and having a great time as they told her how cute she is. On the way home J is pouting and saying he's So mad at Dada for moving his seat- and then out of nowhere he says "I have NO dada"

Eliza is our little firecracker but underneath it all she's a little sweetie. She has a buddy at daycare named Liam and as we'd started teaching her to say Bye when she leaves somewhere out of nowhere one day she said "Bye 'Miam!"
-when driving around in the car the kiddos used to get in an argument about whose Mommy I was... So J would say "MY mommy" and Eliza would respond "Mah-my!"
-when we bring food to the table, she'd notice the steam and say "eeeee hot"
-one night she laid by me on the floor in the playroom and said "nigh nigh"
-'mon mommy! (When she decided it was bathtime)
-she loves "mimmy" (Minnie)
-we were watching Frozen one day and in the scene where Elsa is in her room and is surrounded by ice Eliza observed "Elsa in time out!"
-Then there's the way she cracks me up when she says "NO mommaaaay!" Like a valley girl.

sweet little memory makers.

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