Tuesday, December 20, 2011

the waiting game...

I'm more than excited to meet this little boy that is super active this morning.  Just FYI- his little booty is sticking out of my stomach as I type, and it couldn't be cuter.  We've made it to 37 weeks, also known as "full-term" (according to at least a few researchers definitions...I choose to ignore the ones that say 42 weeks- yikes!).  Now that work is over for the year, I'm actually able to sit and reflect on what is really going on. I've been thinking today about how incredibly blessed and lucky we are that we've had no complications.  His heartbeat has always been healthy, his ultrasounds have always registered on the "bigger than average" side, and he is still happily incubating.  I keep thinking every minute...this baby is coming, and none of us know when.  I've never been one to love surprises because I like to be in the know... but this is one surprise we couldn't be more excited about.  We know it's all in God's hands - he's brought this miracle into our lives and he already knows everything there is to know about him.  We get to sit back, be surprised, and raise this precious gift from God.  I can't think of any better gift than that!