Saturday, January 28, 2012

he's here... (he's been here for about 2 weeks...)

So, I guess I'm not a "real" blogger yet... I was so going to stay on top of this and document every cute little thing Jarrett does.  However, that would mean that I would be blogging 24/7.. he's just that cute.  Our little guy was born on January 12 at 3:23.  He weighed 10lb, 4oz and was 22 inches long. One of the nurse informed me that I'd "given birth to a toddler."  Phil likes to say that Jarrett "walked over to the ink pad" when they made his first footprints. Yesterday at his checkup we found out that he now weighs 10lb, 6 oz, and is 22 1/2 inches long.  He's a beautiful growing boy!  We start our official physical therapy treatments on Monday (he was born with a "birth injury" to his left shoulder).  However, he has already been doing his arm lifts and and pulling that cute little left hand up to his mouth, so he's making a lot of progress already! We are so thrilled with that and know it is an answer to prayer.  I'm currently working on my "birth story" and it will definitely be a novel by the time I'm done.  For now, I'm ending with one of my new favorite bible verses that has been on my mind since meeting our miracle from God-
1 Samuel 1:27-28: "We prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him.  So now we give him to the Lord.  For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."